11 results
Pierre-Stéphane Gsell et al.
In March, 2016, a flare-up of Ebola virus disease was reported in Guinea, and in response ring vaccination with the unlicensed rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine was introduced under expanded access, the first time...
Rafael Obregon, Sabeeha Quereshi, Ketan Chitnis, Naqibullah Safi, Ade Pouye, Savita Naqvi, Kshitij Joshi​, Erma Manoncourt, Catherine Richey, Rania El Asawi, Amaya M. Gillespie
Following the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern regarding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in July 2014, UNICEF was asked to co-lead,...
Widdowson MA et al.
In October 2014, the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences of the University of Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation, and CDC joined the global effort to...
Stefano Merler et al.
Interim results from the Guinea Ebola ring vaccination trial suggest high efficacy of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine. These findings open the door to the use of ring vaccination strategies in which the...
Leigh Ann Miller et al.
During May 23, 2014–January 10, 2015, Sierra Leone reported 7,777 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) (1). In response to the epidemic, on August 5, Sierra Leone\'s Emergency Operations...
Kelly L Edmunds et al.
Emerging infectious diseases present threats to global health.1 The 2014–2016 Ebola virus disease outbreak in western Africa – caused by the Democratic Republic of the Congo strain – caught...
Adam J. Kucharski, Rosalind M. Eggo, Conall Watson, Anton Camacho, Sebastian Funk, W. John Edmunds
Using an Ebola virus disease transmission model, the researchers found that addition of ring vaccination at the outset of the West Africa epidemic might not have led to containment of this disease....
World Health Organization (WHO)
 No confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the week to 27 December. On 29 December, WHO declared that human-to-human transmission of Ebola virus has ended in Guinea, after...
Lawrence O. Gostinemail, Eric A. Friedman
The Ebola epidemic will take hundreds of thousands of lives if the current trajectory is not reversed.1 Fear has gripped the most affected countries: Sierra Leone instituted a national lockdown,2...
Karen Grépin
In this article, the researcher examines the level and speed of the international donations to tackle the Ebola epidemic and how they aligned with evolving estimates of funds required to bring the...
Arthur L Caplan
The first true epidemic of Ebola led to widespread panic. The virus appeared in so many countries in 2014—including Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, and the USA—that...