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Правительство Кыргызской Республики
Настоящий Закон определяет государственную политику в области обращения с отходами производства и...
Upon request of the U.S. Agency for International Development/Central Asia Region (USAID/CAR) the AIDSTAR-One Project engaged two senior staff from JSI’s Making Medical Injection Safer (MMIS)...
Swiss Red Cross
This publication describes the innovative system that was developed in Kyrgyzstan and implemented in the frame of a bilateral cooperation project financed by the SDC. The system in the Kyrgyz...
A. Schweitzer, F. Pessler, G. Krause, M. K. Akmatov
Timing of childhood vaccinations has received close attention in many countries. Little is known about the trends in correctly timed vaccination in former Soviet countries. The researchers examined...