7 results
Anthony S. Fauci
Scaling up access to antiretroviral therapy and proven approaches to HIV prevention potentially could control the HIV/AIDS pandemic and reduce it to a low level of endemicity. However, a safe and...
Leelahavarong P et al.
BACKGROUND: This study aims to determine the maximum price at which HIV vaccination is cost-effective in the Thai healthcare setting. It also aims to identify the relative importance of vaccine...
Saheli Sadanand
Vaccines have undoubtedly saved the lives of millions, and along with improved sanitation, they remain one of the cornerstones of modern medicine. Many diseases that were once widespread are now...
Stefan HE Kaufmann et al.
Human vaccine development remains challenging because of the highly sophisticated evasion mechanisms of pathogens for which vaccines are not yet available. Recent years have witnessed both successes...
Jayasree K. Iyer et al. MSF
The world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are developing promising new vaccines to tackle some of the world’s highest-burden diseases. This pipeline includes a group of first-ever vaccines,...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
On October 27, 2010, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) approved updated recommendations for the use of quadrivalent (serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135) meningococcal conjugate...
Dean Jamison et al.
Dean Jamison, Prabhat Jha, Ramanan Laxminarayan, and Toby Ord identify five top priorities in the fight against infectious disease. The most important of these is malaria treatment. There is a rapid...