12 results
In 2020, Ghana's switched from ROTARIX to ROTAVAC in its routine immunization program in order to save money and cold chain space. An economic analysis of this switch, conducted by PATH, the...
The total cost of ownership (TCO) tool for cold chain equipment (CCE) is designed to help users understand the costs of purchasing and maintaining CCE over time. The tool allows country-specific...
BID Initiative
During this webinar, VaxTrac presents on common themes and implementation/scale-up challenges that were identified during the recent BLN Study Visit to Benin conducted between 11th and 16th July...
Dose Per Container Partnership
To help immunization stakeholders make effective DPC decisions for their country context, the Dose Per Container Partnership (DPCP) has developed generalized information based on the partnership’s...
Dose Per Container Partnership
This resource is a culmination of DPCP research results to provide decision makers with evidence that can be generalized to other countries when considering vaccine presentation. Country- and...
Erin Seaver et al.
This guide aims to make understanding markets easier and provides information and tools to support advocacy with policymakers and other key decision-makers. It is designed primarily for experienced...
• Determining the costs and requirements to finance a new JE vaccination program is the final, essential step in deciding to introduce JE vaccine into a national immunization program. • Before...
• Cost-effectiveness analysis is a useful way to compare the costs and benefits of introducing and maintaining JE vaccination with those of not introducing the vaccine. It is an important tool for...
Laia Bruni et al.
Background Since 2006, many countries have implemented publicly funded human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programmes. However, global estimates of the extent and impact of vaccine coverage are...
The total cost of ownership (TCO) tool for cold chain equipment (CCE) is designed to help users understand the costs of purchasing and maintaining CCE over time. The tool allows country-specific...
Mvundura M et al.
Few studies document the costs of operating vaccine supply chains, but decision-makers need this information to inform cost projections for investments to accommodate new vaccine introduction. This...
JK Hickling et al.
Most vaccines are delivered by the intramuscular or subcutaneous routes using a needle and syringe; the intradermal route is only widely used for the administration of Bacille Calmette-Guérin and...