TechNet-21 - Forum

  1. Géraldine Nemrod
  2. Programme management
  3. jeudi 8 avril 2021

You can already register to the next session of the Webinar series for Health Workers on COVID-19 Vaccination

Topic: Supply and logistics

When: Tuesday 13 April (12-1PM CET)


You can find all the information regarding the previous webinar sessions here:

These webinars are brought to you by the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project.

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The recording of the webinar on Supply and logistics from the "Webinar series for Health Workers on COVID-19 Vaccination" is now available in 3 languages: 


For more materials related to the webinar series on Covid-19 vaccination, please visit 

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  2. Programme management
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Answers to all questions asked during the webinar session and in the two Telegram channels have now been provided by the session presenters. The full Q&A has been consolidated into a single document that can be found here:

These are the questions that have been answered:

  • Are there any COVID-19 vaccines that can handle the heat? 
  • If the vaccine gets out the temperature range for an hour, can it be recovered? 
  • Can the Pfizer vaccine return from room temperature to 2-8? 
  • Is it true that vaccines shipped to our countries will only have 3-4 months shelf life? Would you recommend we don't even try to use these vaccines in the hinterlands and far out health centres? 
  • Can you use a shake test for COVID-19 vaccines?

For more materials related to the webinar series on Covid-19 vaccination, please visit 

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  2. Programme management
  3. # 2
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